Monday, January 27, 2014

Future CBG builds

I have enough boxes to keep me busy for a while... I like the rough finish on the Battalion box, but then again the sleek/ clean look of the Java box appeals to me also.

and a few candidates for Amps. 

I'm in the process of building CBG #3 and doing some research on building amplifiers. I've also been collecting components and assorted goodies for these builds. 
Stay tuned .....

Later this week.......
I was out running errands and stopped in a local Antique shop, it's pretty good sized and you never know what you will find. I found a few cigar boxes but they were all pressed paper and not suitable for builds. I did find a box that would work, a small silverware box. While I was paying for my find I told the cashier what I was looking for, she went over to the corner and started removing bowls and plates from the top of a foot locker. Inside there was about a dozen cigar boxes of various sizes all of them good quality wood boxes. I ended up taking five of them.

This is my favorite. It is trapezoid shaped instead of the usual square or rectangle box.

I found a couple speakers on Amazon that I thought might make a good amp. They are 8" and 40 watt made for Fender... 

I really need to stop buying and start building.



  1. Java box definitely looks the best, sleeker as well. Strangely enough I think the CBG box you have top left (coffee infused) actually looks pretty cool for an amp....although middle box of amp set also quite good.

    1. Thanks for the input TGS, I hadn't thought of using the larger boxes as amps.
